The 17th Laiser Aided Plasma Diagnostic Symposium is taking place in Sapporo, in Hokkaido (Japan) from Sunday, 27 September 2015 to Thursday, 1 October 2015. This conference gather researcher from fusion plasma, spectroscopy and low-temperature plasma to exchange on new diagnostics techniques. I will be giving a talk entitled âAbsorption spectroscopy in CO2 and air plasma with QCL: from gas traces to vibrational excitation measurementsâ illustrating how the development of Quantum Cascade Laser gives makes them a powerful non intrusive tool for plasma diagnostic. Beside the molecule density measurement, example of gas temperature determination, vibrational kinetic monitoring will be shown. The advantage of QCL high power emission for the development of cavity techniques will also be shown through the example of Optical Feedback Cavity Enhanced Absorption Spectroscopy that we have used for measurements of formaldehyde with 10 ppt sensitivity.
View online at: http://lapd17.qe.eng.hokudai.ac.jp/00.html
Non thermal plasmas are very promising for converting renewable energies into chemical energy by dissociating CO2 molecule. During the next conference on Plasma Physics from the European Physical Society I will present the latest advances for describing vibrational excitation and surface reactivity in CO2 plasmas, and the results that can be achieved in dielectric barrier discharges.
The conference will be held at Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon, Portugal, from 22th-26th June 2015.
View online at: http://www.ipfn.ist.utl.pt/EPS2015/Scientific_Program_Content.html
The last workshop of RAPID Marie Curie initial training network that I co-organized with A. Creatore, R. Engeln and J. Loonen took place at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e) from April the 13th to April the 17th, 2015.
More information about this successful event can be found below:
View online at: http://www.phys.tue.nl/pmp/RAPID/